Socker Socker Socker
Då jag vet att jag gjort allt jag kan ger jag mig rätten att ge upp
Know that I must pass this test, so just pull the trigger . .
Hit me like a ray of sun Burning through my darkest night . .
The edge of glory
Lady Gaga - Edge of glory ♥
Till the world ends
What the hell
- Avril Lavigne - What the hell
Castle Walls
T.I ft Christina Aguilera - Castle Walls ♥

Hold it against me
Hold it against me
Hold it against me

Vad tycks ?
But you’ll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind.
I just don´t wanna miss you tonight . . .
En varm sommkväll i solnedgången mitt på sjön !
I'm not the girl that you see in the magazine
Perfect face and perfect body
Never be anyone but the one I am, what I am
I can't bend to your expectations
Look to fulfill any fantasy
If what I am is what you need
Love me for me
And not for someone I would never be
Cause what you get is what you see
And I can't be anymore than what I am
Love me for me
Or don't love me
Don't think you're gonna change what's inside of me
Make me who you want me to be
Won't be someone I'm not
Somebody else, someone else
Love me with all my imperfections
Not for an image of your design
Love me for what you see inside
Love me for me (love me baby)
And not for someone I would never be
Cause what you get is what you see
And I can't be anymore than what I am!
Så himla fin bara . .